Available courses

For students who have passed the Foundation level of training (within the previous 12 months), the Diploma course is the final step to becoming a professional Kinesiologist.

This course is accredited and verified by the Kinesiology Association and delivers high quality vocational training incorporating the current National Occupational Standards (KNOS) in Kinesiology. 

Students of this course will be able to register with the Kinesiology Association. Students require an ITEC level 3 qualification in Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) and Nutrition. (A list of recommended courses and suppliers is available.)

All Kinesiology practitioners also require a valid First Aid at Work certificate.

The Vagus Nerve is arguably THE most important nerve in the body. It controls such important functions as heart rate, breathing and digestion. Also orgasm!!

Learning how to test for it and balance it will really help your clients in so many ways (not just their sex lives - haha!).

Kinesiology Foundation Course

This course is for those who want to:

  • go on to train to become professional Kinesiologists
  • add muscle-testing and other kinesiology techniques to their existing therapy work
  • massively improve their own health
  • help family and friends with their health
  • have fun learning about natural health with like-minded people

Kinesiology is a truly holistic natural therapy which uses easy-to-learn, non-invasive techniques to bring about balance in all four areas of health: structure, biochemistry, emotions and energy. The origins of Kinesiology lie in chiropractic and in Chinese medicine but the Foundation course is open to those with no previous health knowledge.